Archive > Cephelos > The Assassination of the Duchess (Part 2)
Standing on the balcony overlooking the castle courtyard, Jasna felt a heavy feeling settle into the pit of her stomach, on top of what was already there. There was no way she could climb down the keep walls with this much weight in her, she had to come up with a better way to get down. Then, of course, came the issue of the actual castle walls... But she'd worry about that when she got to it. The constant squirming inside of her was not helping her think, it was a constant distraction that kept pushing aside any rational thought that could form in her brain. Stepping back into the room and peeking into the hallway, she saw that the other guard still hadn't returned. She supposed she could still move somewhat quietly still, so... Perhaps her best bet was to find some sort of servant's exit... Yeah... That sounded better by the moment. Creeping into the hallway, she balanced on her toes, stealthily dashing between doorways, planning to duck into one the moment she saw someone.
The trio inside are squirming constantly, shoving outwards in some desperate bid for space. "My lady?! Are you ok!? Did the assassin harm you?!" The knight squelched past the guard to the female who sulked on the other side of the space. "Is that you ser Jordan?! Even you've been caught?! This is an absolute outrage!" Nora grunted as she kicked her heeled feet into the walls of the womb quivering around her, only eliciting a few more half-pained, half pleasurable gasps from their captor. The guard is the only one not moving so much. "H-hey, not to be an annoyance my lord and lady, b-but there ain't no way she's getting out of the castle. Probably lookin' the size of a whale about now. Don't worry, they'll catch her and have us pulled out in no time."
As Jasna creept through the hall, a serving girl rounded the corner up ahead all of a sudden, humming a soft tune and carrying a laundry basket in both hands, right in her path! Quickly wedging herself inside a doorway, Jasna thought for a moment that she might have escaped notice, before the maid's soft voice called out. "E-excuse me?.... You don't have to hide. Are you one of the guests?"
Shit. Shit! She'd been spotted! Her stomach was wedged into that doorway, so perhaps the serving girl hadn't noticed her gut, and thought she was just another guest. But no... That wouldn't do. Closing her eyes, she whispered to herself the words that had been drilled into her over and over throughout her training, the words that made her order the best of the best. "In and out. No witnesses. Lile a ghost." Gritting her teeth, she prepared herself for what she had to do. Backing her way out of the doorway, the maid would have mere seconds to gaze at that expansive, writhing stomach before it came barreling towards her, sending her tumbling to the floor. Very quickly, hefting her stomach higher, Jasna stepped over the maid, her frothing pussy looming just over her head. "I'm so sorry..." she whispered, shame welling up in her eyes. "You don't deserve this, but I must uphold my order's reputation..." The shame that consumed her had nothing to do with the loss of an innocent servant; she had been trained to not think about her kills. It was how much she wanted it that made her feel ashamed, how much she needed it. Her hips dropped down, overtaking the maid's head before she could cry out. Pain washed into her as she was stretched even further, but it only served to amplify the pleasure she felt, her hand clamping over her lips in a vain attempt to cover up the moan that inevitably spewed out of her. It was too late to think about what could have been, she needed this girl in her, now! Grasping the woman's body with both arms, she shoved her inward at the same time as she clenched her nethers, sucking the girl in a foot at a time. This one was harder than the rest of them combined; there simply wasn't much room left in her poor womb.
In mere seconds, the maid's kicking legs are all that's left on the outside as she was plunged inwards amidst Jasna's moans. The struggles inside intensified as her occupants realized what was happening. "Push! Push her back out!" The duchess commanded, both the knight and the guard trying desperately to wedge the poor girl's head back out of Jasna's love canal. The sheer force of Jasna's constrictions proved too much, however, and their own efforts were far too slippery as she was lurched in by Jasna's shoving hands. The weight of another person settled onto her hips, sagging out of her already incredibly huge gut as she claimed her 4th victim of the night, the maid already shrieking and pounding away amidst the fervor of her other prey.
Bursting through the doorway she was wedged into, Jasna was delighted to find a wide, open window, leading off onto a sloped roof. Her escape! Dashing forward to the best of her ability, she crawled out the window and onto that roof, sliding down until she reached the edge. From that point, she was only a dozen or so feet from the ground, and just across the courtyard was a servant's exit! All she had to do was cross, and she'd be home free! But, as she heard chattering below her, her heart sank. She wasn't home free yet. Peering over the edge, she saw two guards conversing, standing only a foot or two apart. Logic screamed at her that they were distracted, and she could drop off the roof somewhere else and sneak to the door, but logic wasny in control right now. Her mouth began to water as her mind drifted off, and she began acting on instinct. She lept off the roof, landing with a foot on each guard's head, knocking them both to the ground beneath her immense weight. Then, before they had a chance to react, she grabbed each one by the neck and shoved their heads between her legs, her greedy sex eagerly expanding to take in both of their heads at the same time. Her flesh screamed in pain as she was forced to stretch yet again, but pleasure washed away every bit of torment.
"She's still going!?" The duchess exclaimed, "Fight her! We have to make her stop!" The duchess, the knight, and the first guard all once again began to push, but with the still too frightened maid in the way, there was little they could do to stop the flailing guards from getting sucked inside. The ninja's loins were simply unstoppable, and the guards quickly found themselves squeezed in with all the rest. Jasna's stomach rested firmly on the ground now, every inch of the madly struggling forms of 6 human beings clearly visible on its surface.
With both her hands occupied, it was impossible to mask the exquisite groan of ecstasy that tore itself from her throat. It belted out for several seconds before she was able to finally clamp her jaw shut, even as another moan was welling up inside of her. This one she managed to swallow, before finishing off the kicking legs of the two guards. Barely able to think through the constant haze of sexual stimulation, she began to walk towards that servants entrance backwards, dragging her stomach behind her with little regard to stealth. By some miracle, nobody saw as she dragged her stomach across the grassy courtyard, and she burst through those double doors, out into the forest that laid beyond the castle walls.
Hours later, she finally arrived back at the campsite where her partner was waiting, having dragged her gut for over a mile through the dark forest bordering the castle. With a swift click, the crossbow point of his's weapon poked her in the back as he appeared from darkness. "Ah... it's you. I thought perhaps a bull elephant had somehow appeared in the forest. Good gods woman...." He took a step back, ogling her enormous belly with confusion. "Wasn't there just one target?!" Huffing and puffing from a dreaded combination of exertion and sexual frustration, Jada sagged onto her stomach, the massive orb now still as its occupants grew too tired to struggle. "Things got complicated Marco... I don't know if I wanna talk about it right now..." She let out a sigh, twisting her body to face her partner. "Still, it went well, all things considered. No one in the castle should be aware that I was even there, save for these... uh... six..." She blushed, turning away a bit. "Now, are you going to help me with them, or are you gonna make me walk all the way back to the village, so I can snap your bed in half?" She stared at him pointedly, her gaze swapping between his face and his trousers. "You know I'm not able to do this myself."
Marco let out a low whistle. "Six?! That's gotta be a record... I've only ever seen 3 myself. I'm starting to think you girls actually 'enjoy' the extra baggage." At her look of askance he grinned woffishly, dropping his trousers to reveal his already throbbing manhood, easily one of the biggest she's ever seen. "You think I'm just here for combat support?~ I've been eagerly awaiting your return. Doesn't matter how many of them there are, a mission is a mission. C'mere, it's time to churn these suckers." As soon as he pulled down his trousers, and smiled with that wolfish grin, she beamed back, looking excited. "Ah, finally! I was getting worried you were gonna hold out on me~." He moved in, not urgently, but firmly maneuvering Jasna down and laying her out on the nearby soft mat he'd set up for the occasion, and began to kneel between her thighs. "A bit quiet in there aren't they?..." Her stomach was blissfully still for just a moment as her occupants seemed to listen in to the conversation, giving her a much needed respite from the constant orgasmic waves that flooded through her. But it didn't last for long, a muffled shout from the duchess heralding a new wave of flailing motions, twice as strong as they ever had been. The surface of her belly suddenly became a cacophony of movement and muffled shouts and grunts, squirming bulges of fists, feet, faces, elbows, and knees pressimg outward and skimming along the inside surface of her overstrained abdomen, one of them even managing to clock Marco in the jaw as he guffawed and leaned back, growling! "There it is! Alright let's do this!" With both hands holding her thick thighs, he rammed his entire rod up and into her tight canal with one forceful thrust, and began to rut in the way that the males of their village know how. To bring about a soul-shuddering orgasm in her as swiftly as possible, one that should use her own body's capabilities to churn her prey.
The 6 people inside are beginning to soften as her inner walls clench and squeeze amidst the fierce pounding Marco is giving her. Their movements becoming even more frantic as they realize just what's happening! "Fuckin' hell woman, how are you still this tight after all that?~" Marco groaned out, holding her legs and even propping them up over his shoulders as he rocks into her again and again! Both his arms reach out to grip that writhing stomach, his body pressing into it like he was trying to squeeze it down himself, his firm abdomen grinding into her stomach wall, causing her prey to be forced out and to the sides of her womb as they begin to churn!
Tighter and tighter her womb clenches, heavily crunching down on her prisoners, rapidly grinding them down into a paste. Her moans only grow fiercer with each passing moment, her lips frantically spitting them out with only the barest chance for her to breathe in between. It takes only a dozen minutes before she can feel herself being pushed over the edge, ready for that final push to reduce her target and the "unfortunate" collateral down to nothing. With a massive cry, Jasna came hard, her whole body quivering and her womb clenching tight as a veritable waterfall spewed forth from her loins, soaking Marco down to the bone with her sweet, sticky nectar. Her stomach rapidly grew flat, returning to its original, toned shape within seconds, leaving her panting and groaning with exertion. "Gods damn, Marco... That was even better than on the way in..." She rose up to her elbows, looking at him with a seductive smirk on her lips. "So then... Do you want a lift home?"
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The Assassination of the Duchess (Part 2) By Squidpad -- Report

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Thanks again to joedham for RPing this with me!

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Posted by FlyingTMan 2 years ago Report

Very nice! That was quite fun to read.


Posted by doomed 2 years ago Report

If that guy is dumb enough to trust her to carry him home , he deserves death by cum