
This feedback form is for non-registered users who want to contact the administrator of this site directly or for a registered user who wants to report something anonymously.

  • Error with this site:

Whether it is a grammar error, a content issue, or simply a technical question, feel free to send us feedback and we will tell you what you need to do. Please include all the details you can!

  • How to make request about your account:

Such as deactivation request. This form is not for account changes. Login to your account and send a Private Message to Eka directly for any work to be done on your account. Including deactivating your account. 


  • How to request Account deactivation:

This form is not for account deactivation. Login to your account and send a Private Message to Eka directly for deactivation request.

  • Reporting questionable content:

Make sure you include the full link (URL) of both the location of the content in question and the link to the original location for verifying

  • Registration problem or trouble getting an e-mail from us:

    • Make sure you have whitelisted [email protected] in your spam filter. Check Whitelist instruction for more instruction
    • Check your spam message and see if anything is being mistaken as spam
    • To save us time. Includes all error messages, preferably screenshot for any registration issue. "What is the error message" and "Please send me a screenshot" will be the very first thing I ask you whenever you have a problem registering. We simply can't continue without this piece of information
  • Trouble logging into your account:

    • If you forgot your password, just go to the Login page and use the "I forgot my password" feature.
    • If you forgot your account name, this form is for you. Send us the detail that you do remember about your account.
    • If you are locked out of your account or otherwise unable to log in, please includes all error message you see on the screen.